Effective Jan 1, 2022, the following rules apply to any contest for Apple Healthcare.
- Employees of Apple Healthcare and immediate family members (partners, children, parents, siblings) are not eligible.
- Patients with delinquent account balances may not claim a prize and an alternate winner will be selected.
- Patients must respond to contest prize notification within 7 days, and must make a good-faith effort to claim the prize as soon as reasonably possible.
- Patients agree to fill out a marketing release allowing use of their name and picture in our marketing campaigns.
- The patient’s individual chance of winning in relation to the value of the prize will be kept to $15 or less to comply with Federal guidelines on patient gifts.
- Winners will be required to complete IRS Form W9, for 1099-Misc tax reporting purposes, and submit to Apple Health Care Group business office prior to receipt of contest promotional prize, whether the gift be tangible items or monetary funds.